Saturday, November 7, 2009

Praying to Mary and the Saints.

Praying to Mary/ Saints - Some Christians believe Mary and some saints are intercessors before God. It is believed that a Saint, who is glorified in Heaven, has more “direct access” to God. Therefore, if a saint delivers a prayer to God, it is more effective. How scriptural is this?

Do the Saints really have the ability to intercede with the Father on our behalf? The Bible does say in 1Timothy 2:5 “for there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”; where then is the place of Jesus (the only mediator) and the Holy Ghost whom the Bible says is our intercessor Romans 8:26-27? How effective is this mode of praying to Mary (the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ) and Saints?

Kindly share your Word based thoughts on this subject of discussion right here on the Blog.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pastor Chris Prophetic Blog

On the 24th of September, 2009, a word of prophecy was received through the Holy Spirit by the man of God, Pastor Chris - "What I saw by the Spirit, which I will not describe in detail, was very bad. Therefore, pray... This is not a call for fear but a victory call, as the Lord has made it known that we might avert the situation..." (Get the complete words of prophecy here).

Thursday, August 20, 2009

HealingSchool October Session

Autunm Session Report
The Healing School Autumn Session 2009 held in Johannesburg, South Africa with over 4000 students in attendance.
It was an awesome demonstration of God’s love, power and a life changing experience for all present, as the power of God ... read more

To attend the upcoming Healing School October Session in Lagos, Nigeria. You are required to make advance booking.

Spaces are limited and must be pre-booked. Please do not embark on a journey without confirmation of booking. Click Here to Register

Higher Life Conference With Pastor Chris

Higher Life Conference With Pastor Chris

6900 Airport Rd
mississauga Ont
Canada, L4V 1E8

Time & Date
Fri 4 Sept 2009 - 5pm
Sat 5 Sept 2009 - 5pm
Sun 6 Sept 2009 - (2 sessions)
10am & 5pm

Click here to reserve seat now!
For more Information
Call us at
(416) 746-5080
(416) 482-8155

Discover how to appropriate your inheritance in Christ, live life to the fullest and enjoy all that God has made available to you in this life as you join Pastor Chris for this special conference for spiritual impartation, transformation and upliftment.
What Are Your Expectations?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

3 Days of Revelation & Power with Pastor Chris

3 Days of Revelation & Power with Pastor Chris

Venue: Wembley Arena, London

Date: September 11 - 13, 2009
Time: 5:00pm Daily

For more Information Visit

Or call: +44(0) 1303 270 970
+44 1245 345 596
High achievement always takes place in the framework of prepared expectations.
What Are Your Expectations?

The Impact Of The Holy Spirit On The Human Body

The Impact Of The Holy Spirit On The Human Body
By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
Do you know that every believer has been called into the office of a priest? Do you function in your office of priesthood? In this message join Pastor Chris as he sheds light on this teaching on: how to fulfill your ministry as a priest unto God and man, the impact of praying the right way, having your words established unto you and your role in worldwide evangelization। Take a hold of the rewarding benefits of fulfillment your priestly ministry and live your life in the confident assurance of victory and guaranteed results.

Friday, August 14, 2009

What was God's purpose for the tree of life and the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

What was God's purpose for the tree of life and the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?
Bill - United Kingdom

Very simple the tree of life is still available but is guarded by the angel of God in such a ..... [Click here to view Pastor Chris'response]

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I love God, but why do i keep backsliding?

I love God, but why do i keep backsliding?
Gregory - South Africa

Remember the parable of the sower Mark4:1-20.. do not allow things choke up the word of God...[Click here to view Pastor Chris'response]

Monday, July 20, 2009

Is it right for a christian to give up her child for adoption even though She was raped?

Is it right for a christian to give up her child for adoption even though She was raped?
Arehone - United Kingdom

It's not wrong but, ... [Click here to view Pastor Chris' response]

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is it wrong for a born-again Christian to hang out with old friends who are not born-again?

“Is it wrong for a born-again Christian to hang out with old friends who are not born-again?
Catherine – South Africa.

Now that you’re born-again, God expects that you bring your old friends into the kingdom, yet…[Click to view Pastor Chris’ response

Monday, June 29, 2009

Is it true that God has a chosen spouse for each and every person?

...Is it true that God has a chosen spouse for each and every person?

Amy – Australia.

if God already choose someone for you, and God is saying now seek not a wife, what happens to the one you...

Monday, June 15, 2009

As a Christian why is speaking in tongues important?

As a Christian why is speaking in tongues important? Why must all Christians have it?
Cindy – Nigeria.

Who wouldn’t like to build himself up like an edifice! When you pray in tongues you activate your spirit! There’s a secret… Click to view Pastor Chris’ response

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How do I get over my addictions?

“How do I get over my addictions? I’ve talked to them but they persist.
Daminabo – Nigeria.

Firstly, you ought to talk to yourself and not your addictions. If you lose control over yourself it means a city is broken down!

Click to view Pastor Chris’ response & post a comment

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pastor Chris online

“According to Heb 9 v 27 “…it is appointed unto man once to die after death, judgment…” When and where will that judgment be?
Ruby Lamb – USA.

There’s a physical death and there’s a spiritual death. Some people die physically twice… (Watch the webcast to hear Pastor Chris's Answers)